What is CC and OC in construction

What is CC and OC in Construction? Key Concepts Explained

It may surprise you to learn that the majority of homebuyers are unaware of CC and OC certification. Obtaining all necessary legal documentation is the most crucial aspect of any real estate project. The two primary approvals that any builder or developer must get for the project are CC and OC.

Whereas OC stands for an occupancy certificate, CC stands for a completion certificate. The builders are required to obtain both certificates, which are issued by the regulatory authorities.

CC and OC are not just legal regular formalities but provide the safety, and legality, of a property to the buyer. Many people don’t know about these things and face a lot of issues. In this blog, we will explore what CC and OC actually mean, their importance, the process of obtaining them, and the consequences of not having these certificates.

What is a CC (Completion Certificate) in real estate?

A Completion Certificate (CC) is a legal document issued by the local authorities. It states that a building’s construction has been officially completed and now the project is ready to be obtained by the buyer. The municipal authority conducts inspections to know if the project meets all the local laws, safety regulations, and the building’s sanctioned plans.

Importance of a Completion Certificate

Legal Compliance:

The completion Certificate proves that the building adheres to all the local building codes, zoning laws, and regulations. Also ensures that project construction is carried out according to the approved plan.

Eligibility for Utility Connections:

CC is required by the utility companies before providing essential services like water, electricity, and sewage connections.

How to Obtain a CC (Completion Certificate)

Application Submission:

The builder submits an application to the local municipal authority with necessary documents like approved building plans and completion drawings.

Site Inspection:

The municipal authority inspects to verify that the construction matches the sanctioned plan through on-site inspection.

Compliance Verification:

Various regulations including structural safety, fire safety, and environmental norms are checked by the legal authority.

Issuance of CC:

The Completion Certificate is issued if your project construction fulfills all requirements in the verification process. In case of Haridwar, the local development authority is HRDA (Haridwar-Roorkee Development Authority).

What is an OC (Occupancy Certificate)?

An occupancy certificate (OC) is given by the builder to the property buyer. It attests to the fact that the construction for a particular project has been finished in compliance with all local building regulations and the authorized building plans. Usually, the OC is given out following the Completion Certificate. This is the certificate that buyer can demand from the builder.

Importance of an Occupancy Certificate

Legal Requirement for Occupancy:

It is illegal to hold any building if you don’t have an Occupancy Certificate. The absence of an OC means your property is not following necessary safety and regulatory standards. It’s as important as other legal documents like Sale Deed and Agreement to Sale.

Essential for Property Sale:

Always bring OC and CC if you are going to buy property against a loan. Without these documents, no bank or financial institution will grant you financial aid.

Insurance and Liability:

The insurance companies are also required to verify the Occupancy Certificate to settle the claims in case of any mishappening in the building. It is mainly issued by the reputed developers. Hence, It builds confidence among buyers about the quality of the property.

Process of Obtaining a CC (Occupancy Certificate)

Post-Completion Application:

The builder will apply to obtain OC after receiving the CC by submitting the required documents including safety clearances.

However, in case of under construction flats, it’s not necessary to get an approval certificate from the concerned authorities.

Final Inspection:

The local authority conducts a final inspection to ensure that the building is safe for occupancy and complies with all necessary laws.

Approval from Various Departments:

Authorities such as fire safety, environmental, and health departments need to give clearances to allow builders to obtain an occupancy certificate.

Issuance of OC:

The Occupancy Certificate is issued once the verification is completed. Then only residents can legally occupy the building.

What is the Difference between CC and OC?

AspectCompletion Certificate (CC)Occupancy Certificate (OC)
DefinitionA document issued by the local municipal authority certifying that the construction of a building is completed as per the approved plans and regulations.A document issued by the local municipal authority certifying that the building is safe for occupation and has complied with all required regulations and safety standards.
PurposeConfirms that the construction of the building adheres to the approved building plans.Confirms that the building is fit for occupation, with all necessary safety measures and amenities like water, and electricity.
Issuing AuthorityLocal municipal authority or the designated building sanctioning authority.Local municipal authority or a relevant urban development authority.
Legal ImplicationsWithout a CC, the builder may face penalties, but the building cannot be occupied legally without an OC.Occupying a building without an OC can lead to legal action, fines, or eviction.
Checks InvolvedVerification of the building’s adherence to the approved architectural and structural plans.Includes checks for fire safety, sanitation, electrical systems, water supply, and compliance with building codes related to occupancy.
Required forRequired before applying for an Occupancy Certificate and is often needed to secure final payments from buyers or for financing purposes.Mandatory for the legal occupation of the building, and property registration.
Impact on Property TransactionsA property without a CC might face issues in obtaining an OC.Properties without an OC may be difficult to sell, as they are considered illegal constructions.

How CC and OC Impact Property Buyers?

Ensures Safety:

An OC guarantees a safer society to live in after passing all necessary inspections. It is considered not to buy any property or holiday home without having proper CC and OC documents. You might risk your family’s safety if you ignore the importance of these documents.

Secures Legal Rights:

The buyers are legally protected and can avoid potential disputes or penalties with a CC and OC in place. You can file a case against the builder in case of any illegal activity with the help of these CC and OC.

Facilitates Smooth Transactions:

These certificates are often required during property transactions, making the process smoother and hassle-free.

Common Challenges in Obtaining CC and OC

Sometimes you may encounter some challenges in obtaining CC and OC due to:

Delays in Construction: Any deviation from the approved plans can result in delays in obtaining these certificates.

Bureaucratic Hurdles: Navigating through the paperwork and multiple inspections can be time-consuming.

Non-Compliance Issues: Failure to adhere to local regulations can lead to denial of these certificates, necessitating costly modifications.


Both the Completion Certificate and Occupancy Certificate are the major documents every homebuyer must obtain from the developer. They not only ensure that a building is constructed and occupied legally but also provide a safety net for both developers and property buyers. 

In today’s age, real estate moving in a progressive direction. Meanwhile, some developers sell illegal properties after receiving the CC and OC. So, always ensure to have these certificates before proceeding with the project or purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are CC and OC certifications in real estate?

CC stands for Completion Certificate, and OC stands for Occupancy Certificate. Both are crucial legal documents issued by local authorities. The CC confirms that the building’s construction is completed according to approved plans, while the OC certifies that the building is safe for occupancy.

Why are CC and OC important for homebuyers?

CC and OC are vital because they ensure the legal and safe construction of a property. Without these certificates, the property may not comply with local regulations, making it illegal to occupy and potentially difficult to sell or finance.

How does one obtain a Completion Certificate (CC)?

To obtain a CC, the builder must submit an application with necessary documents like approved building plans. The local municipal authority then conducts a site inspection to ensure compliance with all regulations before issuing the CC.

What are the consequences of not having an Occupancy Certificate (OC)?

Without an OC, it is illegal to occupy the building. This can lead to legal action, fines, or even eviction. Additionally, properties without an OC are considered illegal and may face challenges in selling or securing financing.

What are the key differences between a Completion Certificate (CC) and an Occupancy Certificate (OC)?

The CC certifies that the building’s construction is completed as per approved plans, while the OC confirms that the building is safe and fit for occupancy. The CC is needed before applying for an OC, and without an OC, legal occupation of the building is not permitted.

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